We never know where life brings us. Stranger whom we met, place that we went, and things that we've done in the past could led to something important in the future. Yesterday occurrence proved me that one action that we choose can change our life forever. ********************************************************************* Last year, my boss registered my name to join regional seminars in Singapore. I was thrilled. Oh no. I just scrolled down my Instagram to check the date when I went to Singapore. As far as I remember it was on May 2016, but it turns out to be July 2016!! MasyaAllahhh, it was my 25th birthday present... Allahuakbar, I cannot believe it. Allah gave me the greatest present for my quarter of century birthday. At the most crucial age of a human's life Allah gave me the best of the best. Present that reminds me of how graceful Allah plan is and how I have win over myself for the past 3 years. If you see my previous post "Friends that I'v...