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Gaining Weight


My heart were broken into pieces.

After a nice treadmills (first time since forever!!) and completely sweaty here and there, I casually  hop onto a scales at my gym...


56 kilosss!!!!!!!


My last weighing was last month, before the fun-tastic holiday marathon (I'll share it laterπŸ˜‰) and I'm pretty sure it was 53! fifty three everyonee! with 5 and 3, not 5 and 6 πŸ’”

For 25 years my most heavy was 53 and I've been struggling to maintain it throughout 2017 (not even bother to diet since it is soooo dificult to resist all the tempting snacks at my office! (I blame you oleh-oleh😀). Seriously, does anyone know if human metabolism start worsening at age 25? (gosh, I feel old)

I even double check upstairs at my apartment just in case the scale was broken.

Nope. it's fine (#cryariver)

Well, I might be devastated with the fact that I'm heavier (on a scale). But what bothers me a lot is, I can't control my appetite!! Chips, dessert, fried foods, sweets are my everyday companion and I've never workout  for years, even for a small walk (traveling didn't count! hahaha). I always feel hungry and my mouth cannot stop munching eventough my stomach was full. I read somewhere that hormones instability could ignites a drastic change in our appetite.

So, what did I lose here?

Rather than tighter jeans or slightlyu bigger nose, my biggest concern is health. Bloated, stomach cramped, heavy breathing, these are the things that weren't mine when I'm still 47kilos. Now I need to go to the restroom every single time after I eat just to ease my stomach (believe me, this is not good and I couldn't share more because it's too yuckk) and it also affected my monthly period cycle.

By that, I decided to slowly change my eating habit. From non-stop munching (breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-light meal-dinner-midnight snack) to step by step cutting carbs and skipped dinner (don't worry, I still eat A LOT during the day). I also start to gym-ingg again a little by little, like treadmills 30 minutes, 20 times sit-ups and basic yoga 30 minutes.

Well, better start small than nothing right?


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